Pretty appetizing title, eh? I figured it fit the topic of ear infections. Yes, yes, I have an ear infection. According to my (already married but still INSANELY attractive) doctor, I have a severe exterior ear infection. This means that it's not in my eardrum, but the earlobe itself. Let me just clue you in... You don't know pain until you've
A.) Gone through labor and given birth
B.) Had an ear infection.
Trust me, I am not blowing this way out of proportion.
Ok so since the infection is exterior, that means my lobe is swollen... VERY swollen. So Dr. Attractive had to put a wick (styrophome tube) in my ear to open it up so that the antibiotic ear drops could actually make it into my ear. Therefore my ear is plugged up until the swelling goes down and I can't hear a thing in my left ear. I'm temporarily partially deaf. Hah!
The meds my doctor gave me are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
I haven't slept a full night in at least four days so the pain killer puts me to sleep (Yay!) and the antibiotic... Well... I'm not sure what it does. I think it eliminates pain as well. But I have to take it with a full stomach or else I regurgitate anything and everything in my tummy. Once again, yay.
Well, I'm off to sleep (I just took a painkiller. :]) but expect more soon!
Peace, Love, and Ears.